In stock Hollon Safe
In stock Gray Depository Safe, FD-4020C
In stock Gray-White 2 Hour Home Safe, HS-310D
In stock Gray Depository Safe with inner locking department, FD-4020EILK
In stock White Wall Safe, WSE-2114
In stock Gray Double Door Depository Safe, FDD-3020EK
In stock Gray Depository Safe with inner locking department, FD-3020CILK
In stock Gray Drop Slot Safe, DP-25EL
In stock Gray Depository Safe, FD-2714K
In stock Black Pistol Safe, PBE-2
In stock Gray-White 2 Hour Home Safe, HS-360E
In stock Gray-White 2 Hour Home Safe, HS-360D
Let me welcome you to Hollon Safe – a different kind of safe company. We make higher quality safes (they exceed industry standards for design, strength and durability) than others on the market … yet our prices are 20% to 50% less than our competitors’. Giving you some of the best safes in the industry at the best pricing. It should be no surprise, then, why we have been one of the fastest-growing safe manufacturers in the nation. I started Hollon Safe in 2007, but the idea came to me several years earlier. I realized there was a need for a company like ours when I was still a locksmith. I was tired of some companies that were selling pricey safes that were little more than useless hunks of metal or even plastic… and others that sold quality safes – but at prices I considered unreasonably high. The notion occurred to me that someone had to do something about the situation – and that someone was me! I had purchased my first locksmith shop and dedicated myself to the trade. As a result, I was able to increase sales by 300% in only four years. I then sold the business at a hefty enough profit to start Hollon Safe.
Sincerely, Zack Gilmore
Hollon Safe has several core values in which we believe:
1. Strength in Design: Each Hollon safe is designed to the top of our industries standards and then a little higher to ours. We maintain one of the highest standards of design and durability in the industry. From our experience we have learned to design a safe for durability. This attention to quality combined with our extensive product testing insures the durability of Hollon products.